Once you have installed the program, you can install the data to use with Batch API. To ensure that your data is compatible, all data for a country must be the same version and should be installed at the same time.

Each dataset has an expiry date and must be updated periodically. We provide regular updates of the datasets as and when updated data is available. Each update should be applied promptly, otherwise the data may expire, and the product will generate error for data expiration.

When installing Batch, please select integration approach between BatchAPI and Batch REST API.


When Windows Batch REST is selected as the integration approach, please consider that Batch REST API can be supplied with embedded Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or without.
Batch REST interface requires a JRE to function, and the user has to decide if they want to Batch to leverage its embedded JRE (Azul Zulu OpenJDK Runtime Environment) or to use an alternate pre-installed one on the machine.

The product will be supplied to you in the form of installation program called setup.exe. When you run setup.exe, the Batch API libraries and associated files are installed to the location of your choice.

To run the installation program:

  1. Download and run the Batch executable setup.exe
  2. Once the installation start please follow the installation dialog until completion.
  3. Consider applying product configrations or use the default. Instructions
  4. Once installation is complete, please start the required web server using command line script:
    1. Examplary script \java.exe --server.port= --server.threads= --server.batch.enabled=true --server.pro.enabled=false
  5. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:<port number>/ to test the product.


When Windows Batch API is selected as integration approach, it comes with an installation program called setup.exe. When you run setup.exe, the Batch API libraries and associated files are installed to the location of your choice (the default is C:/Program Files/Experian/Batch API).

To run the installation program:

  1. Download and run the Batch executable setup.exe
  2. Once the installation start please follow the installation dialog until completion.
  3. Consider applying product configrations or use the default. Instructions
  4. You can test the product via our Test Harness

To install or update data on Windows, we recommend that you use Electronic Updates, which automatically ensures that your products are using the latest data available.

If you have chosen to install or update your data using Electronic Updates, follow these steps:

  1. Install Electronic Updates (if you have not yet done so), following the on- screen instructions to install and run the EU client.
  2. Use the EU client to install and/or update any datasets (including additional datasets) that you have purchased to use with Batch API.
  3. Once you have configured and run the EU client, all future data updates will automatically be downloaded to your computer.

Manual Data Update

To update a previous dataset, overwrite your existing data files with those downloaded from Electronic Updates Portal or Self-Service Portal.
In order to ensure that your datasets are compatible, all data files for a country must be replaced at the same time and be from the same data vintage.

NCOA data

According to the terms of your third-party license agreements, once you have performed an initial clean of your data using Batch API, NCOA Update and NCOA Suppress data are tied to the machine that Batch API is installed on.
If you do need to move these datasets to a different machine after you have performed an initial clean, you should contact us who will guide you through the process.

Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and monthly pointer data

If you wish to use TPS or monthly pointer data, you must install and use Electronic Updates (EU) to do so, due to the fortnightly data update cycle.

The Batch API image contains both shared object and static library compiles of Batch API. Copy the contents of the relevant folder from the image to the location of your choice, for example /opt/batch/.

When you wish to run your integrated application, you should ensure that the following files are in the same directory as the application executable:

  • country.ini
  • qaworld.ini
  • qawserve.ini
  • qalicn.ini
  • qalcl.dat
  • static library or shared object of libqabwvcd
  • 64-bit shared object of libCorrectA (USA or CAN dataset only)

Manual Data Update

The first time you introduce a dataset you must do the following:

  1. Copy the new data files to a suitable location.

  2. Go to /opt/qasBatch/ (or wherever you installed Batch API) and open the qawserve.ini configuration file in a text editor such as vi.

  3. Under the [QADefault] section add a line to the InstalledData setting, specifying the location of the data you just copied. The setting is in the format:

    InstalledData={dataset identifier},{path}

    For example, if you had just copied the GBR dataset to /opt/qasData/gbr/ the line would read:


  4. In the same section add at least one line to the DataMappings setting, to specify the combinations of additional datasets you wish to use. The setting is in the format:

    DataMappings={data mapping identifier},{dataset/group name},{dataset+additional datasets}

    For example, if you had the United Kingdom With Names additional dataset to enhance your GBR dataset you might add two lines, one without the additional dataset and one including it:

    DataMappings=GBR,United Kingdom,GBR
    +GBN,United Kingdom With Names,GBR+GBRNAM

Manual Update of USA data

If you are updating the USA dataset you must also specify the location of the supplementary USA Batch data and libraries which are supplied on separate folder.
In the same section of qawserve.ini, add the CorrectADataLocUSA setting and the CorrectAAPILoc setting.

For example:


You do not need to use the CorrectAApiLoc setting if you installed the supplementary libraries to the same location as your core Batch API libraries, or to a location specified in your environment variable.

Manual Update of CAN data

  1. If you are updating the CAN dataset you must also specify the location of the supplementary CAN Batch data and library which are supplied on separate folder.
    In the same section of qawserve.ini, add the CorrectADataLocCAN setting and the CorrectAApiLoc setting.

For example:


You do not need to use the CorrectAApiLoc setting if you installed the supplementary library to the same location as your core Batch API libraries, or to a location specified in your environment variable.

  1. Open the qalicn.ini configuration file in a text editor such as vi. Add all of your supplied license keys for your purchased Experian Data Quality datasets to the end of this file.

Updating Existing Data

To update a previous dataset, overwrite your existing data files with newly downloaded one.
In order to ensure that your datasets are compatible, all data files for a country must be replaced at the same time and be from the same data vintage.