Release notes

These are the release notes for Global Intuitive:

v2 2022

  • Matching improvements for USA and UK addresses.*
  • Operational stability and security enhancements.

* Customer requested updates

  • Advanced fuzzy matching logic improvements for the remaining 240 countries and territories.
Bug fixes
  • Miscellaneous improvements in processing logic for North America and Europe.*

* Customer requested updates

New features
  • Next generation address classification engine for most accurate global address matching.
  • International data improvements for 245 countries and territories.
  • Advanced fuzzy matching logic for CAN, GBR, IRE, JPN and USA.
Bug fixes
  • Miscellaneous fixes for USA addresses containing numerous misspellings.

v2 2021

New features
  • Introduction of ISO 3166-2-compliant country and regional codes.*

* Customer requested updates

New features
  • Introduction of additional address elements for Australia and New Zealand to provide additional accuracy and granularity of address validation. Elements include address types, deliverability indicators, household identifiers and barcode information.*

* Customer requested updates

New features
  • Introduction of record type, carrier route and delivery point code for United States to provide additional accuracy and granularity of USA address validation.*
  • Introduction of max_suggestions value to configure number of items appearing in search picklists.*

* Customer requested updates

New features
  • Introduction of delivery type for United Kingdom to indicate whether address is residential or business.
  • Introduction of "Just Built" date for United Kingdom to indicate newly activated Royal Mail delivery points.*
  • Introduction of PAF Address Key for United Kingdom.
  • Support for permitted URLs and IP whitelisting via EDQ Self Service portal.*
  • Introduction of a higher accuracy Eircode dataset for Ireland. Eircodes Address Database (ECAD), sourced from the most authoritative data source, includes over 2.2M Ireland addresses, including aliases and additional delivery points. (Other Ireland datasets will also continue to be supported.)

* Customer requested updates

New features
  • Introduction of delivery type in the United States to indicate whether address is residential or business. *

* Customer requested updates

New features
  • Introduction of two additional datasets for validating addresses in the United Kingdom (Multiple Residence and Not Yet Built), containing over 1.3M new data points.*
  • Ellipses no longer appears for GBR addresses in the search suggestions.*
Bug fixes
  • Resolved issues pertaining to queries with incorrectly placed dot character.*
  • Fixed issue with missing building information for certain addresses in France.*
  • Improved error handling for requests containing incorrect or missing country codes.

* Customer requested updates

v2 Older

We've introduced new Ireland-specific values you can specify for the dataset parameter.

We've added new metadata that is returned by the format endpoint: addressSource. This metadata is returned exclusively for addresses in Australia and contains information on whether the address is sourced from Australia Post's Postal Address File (PAF), the Australia Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF), or both.

We've added a new query parameter to the search endpoint: location, which allows you to specify latitude and longitude when searching for addresses. The returned list of suggestions will then favour addresses near the specified location. This is currently only available for addresses in the USA.

We've added a new query parameter to the search endpoint: dataset, which is the name of the dataset to be used for the country where the address is located.

We've added a new response field to the search endpoint: totalMatches, which specifies the total number of matches based on your query.