Use REST API to manage workflows

The Aperture Data Studio REST API provides a RESTful interface for executing and managing workflows.

By integrating the REST API you can trigger your workflow executions programmatically and keep your automated data pipeline going without opening up the Aperture Data Studio UI.

With our simple to use API you can:

  • Return a list of all your workflows along with detailed metadata.
  • Trigger a workflow execution, including any export settings and scheduling requirements.
  • Return a list of execution jobs to see which ones are complete, in progress or yet to be executed.
  • Return detailed state information about a job.


Requests to the Aperture Data Studio REST API are authenticated using a bearer token which is passed in the Authorization header of each request. To get a token you will need to make a login request using your Aperture Data Studio username and password. The login request will return your token. This token will expire after an hour so you'll need to renew it periodically (by making another login request).

Your authorization header should look like this:

    "Authorization": "Bearer <your token>"

API reference

The full interactive API reference is available in the form of Swagger-UI and comes included with the product. This will allow you test out the resources and get a better understanding of the requests and parameters.

You can access the Swagger-UI at http://<server>/api/v1/swagger-ui.html. If you have installed Aperture Data Studio locally, then the URL will be http://localhost:7701/api/v1/swagger-ui.html.

The base URL for your requests is http://<server>/api/v1/ and you'll find all the exact endpoints you need through the Swagger-UI.