There are a few ways to execute Workflows:

  • Manually execute a Workflow as required.
  • Schedule the execution to be done in the future.
  • Automate the execution via Notifications or using the REST API.

To manually execute a specific Workflow, select the required one and click Options > Run or simply click Run if already using the required one. Using the Execute Workflow dialog you can specify the execution details such as Workflow version, data sources, parameters, date and time.

The Version to run setting decides whether to use Draft or Published version of the Workflow to execute (if available).

You can also select Prefer drafts or Only use published dependencies to run. This setting decides whether to execute the Workflow using unpublished dependencies, such as Views and Functions.

By ticking Refresh sources, the source that allows auto-refresh will be refreshed from their external source prior to execution.

If your Workflow contains the Export, Fire Event, or Take Snapshot step, you'll have the option to Ignore those steps. This is useful when designing and testing Workflows.

You may want to change the data source for the Workflow execution using the Sources tab (if available). The data sources defined in the Workflow will be listed here but you can replace these with either a different Dataset (and map columns as required) or a different temporary file with identical columns to be used at Workflow execution.

For Optional sources, the Workflow will be executed with the default source if no source is configured at runtime.

You may need to configure the re-configurable Workflow parameters in the Parameters tab (if available).

Optional Workflow parameters will use the configured value for execution, otherwise the default value will be used.

You have the option to execute the Workflow Now or Later. By selecting execute Later, you are required to specify the start date and time.

To see the progress of the Workflow execution, go to the Jobs page.