Manage object tags

Organize Objects

Create and add tags (colored labels) to Data Studio objects to make them easier to find and quicker to access. The following objects can be tagged:

  • Workflows
  • Datasets
  • Views
  • Functions
  • Automations

Tagging objects is especially useful when organizing a large number of objects in the same Space. For example, you can tag Workflows based on ownership or its use: tag a Workflow as 'Template' to make it clear that it can be shared with others. Each object can have multiple tags.

Object tag types

The two types of object tags are global and user-defined:

  • Global tags are created in the System Space and will be available to all Spaces within an Environment. All users within the Environment will see and be able to apply global tags to their objects. This ensures consistency across Spaces if there is a need for object tags with the same name.

  • User-defined tags are limited to the Space they've been created in and can't be shared with other Spaces.

Create object tags

Go to System > Object tags > click Create new tag. Choose name and colour and preview the tag, then click Apply.

Add/remove object tags

Tags can be added to objects in the following ways:

  1. When creating a new object.
  2. Clicking Edit properties in the Actions column on the object list screen.
  3. Clicking View more information in the Actions column on the list screen.
  4. Clicking the i next to the object title when the object is open on screen.

Search/filter object tags

When searching for an object tag on the list screen the result will be filtered to show all objects with that tag. Alternatively, select a tag from the object tag drop down menu to list all objects with the tag applied.

View object tag use

On the object tags page click Show tagged objects or Associations in the Options column. All objects where the object tag is used are listed as well as dependencies and associations.

Share object tags

Only global tags can be shared between Spaces in the same Environment similar to other shareable objects. User-defined tags are limited to the Space they've been created in. If you share an object with the user-defined tag, only the object will be shared, not the associated tag.

Import/export object tags

User-defined object tags can be exported and imported into other Spaces in the same Environment or other Environments. When importing/exporting objects, you can include/exclude the relevant tags. If included, the relevant tag will appear in the list of object tags in the new Space. If a tag with the same name already exists, a number will be appended to the imported tag.

Delete object tags

On the object tags page click Delete in the Options column. If the object tag is used a warning appears with an option to see all objects where the tag is used.