GET /search?NAME={name to search on}&ZIP={zip code}


Name Required? Format (max length) Description/Values
FULL_NAME Yes (if no first/last name) String (50) Consumer's full name. The apostrophe ( ' ) symbol will be automatically removed prior to processing.
FIRST_NAME Yes (if no full name) String (30) Consumer's first name. The apostrophe ( ' ) symbol will be automatically removed prior to processing.
LAST_NAME Yes (if no full name) String (30) Consumer's last name. The apostrophe ( ' ) symbol will be automatically removed prior to processing.
ZIP Yes String (5) ZIP CodeTM
BUSINESS_NAME Yes (for BIS requests only) String (50) Consumer's business name.
ADDRESS_TYPE No String (1) H - Home
B – Business
PARTNER_ID No String Partner ID
CUST_REF_NO No String Customer reference number
PREFIX No String (10) Consumer's title, such as "MR" or "MRS"
MIDDLE_NAME No String (20) Consumer's middle name. The apostrophe ( ' ) symbol will be automatically removed prior to processing.
SUFFIX No String (5) Consumer's name suffix, such as "JR"
PHONE_TYPE No String (1) H - Home
B – Business
PHONE_NUMBER No String (12) Telephone number
PHONE_EXTENSION No String Phone extension
PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE No String Phone country
STREET1 No String (35) Street
STREET2 No String (35) Suite/Apartment/PO Box or other address information
CITY No String (28) City
STATE No String (2) State abbreviation
ZIPPLUS No String ZIP + 4®
COUNTY No String County
COUNTRY No String Country
ATTRIBUTE_NAME No String Repeatable; up to 10 name/value pairs allowed
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE No String Repeatable; up to 10 name/value pairs allowed

Request examples



Some of these fields may not be applicable due to your product/service agreement.

Attribute Name Format (max length) Description/Values
StandardizedAddress String This is a group of response fields resulting from the address standardization process. See Standardized Address table below for details.
Stage2Data.Match_Type Char This field is an indicator of match level. Possible values are:
E = Median Level
F = Household Level
I = Person Level
N = No Match
Stage2Data Various This is a group of response fields related to the marketing data.
TRANSACTION_ID String Unique ID assigned to all incoming transactions.
InputData String Original input request is echoed back.
Message.TYPE String Indicator of transaction error or success. Possible values are:
ERROR – Error in transaction
STATUS – Successful transaction
Message.CATEGORY String Indication of the message category. Possible values are:
SPOOF SOFT FAILURE – Record contained commonly encountered offensive or spoof words
EMPTY – Successful transaction
Message.RESULT_CODE String (4) 4 byte error code (e.g. E100). See the Errors table below for details.
Message.VALUE String Descriptive information on the error. See the Errors table below for details.
Feature Condition Message.VALUE Message.RESULT_CODE
Spoof Incoming lead matches against spoof database that contains vulgar, celebrity or joke names. This record contained commonly encountered offensive or spoof words.
The value(s) : "JANEDOE" prevented the record from further processing.
Invalid character Incoming lead matches against the following invalid characters: "^", "%", "$", "?", "*", ">", "<", "=", "&" This lead has failed our internal syntax checks.
The value(s) : "kay$" prevented the record from further processing.
Parsing Error The request submitted is not in the correct form or does not conform to the schema. There has been a parsing error with the processing of your record. E300
The request submitted via RESTful JSON is having reserved character(s) as input (" or &). Parsing Error: "& are not allowed. E300
There has been an error with the processing of your record Prospect IQ internal processing error. There has been an error with the processing of your record. E400
Security Your IP address is not authorized to access the Prospect IQ service. Please contact your account representative. E500
Security Invalid Client ID or Partner ID. E501
Input Validation Missing required name information on input. E600
Input Validation Missing required address information on input. E601
Input Validation Missing required phone information on input. E602
Validation of successful transaction Transaction processed successfully. S100
No Match Indicator Input information did not match our records. Match type=None. S101
Address Validation Input address not valid S102
Attribute Name Format (max length) Description/Values
FULL_ADDRESS String (60) Complete, standardized primary and secondary address lines
STREET1 String (60) Complete, standardized primary address line
STREET2 String (60) Complete, standardized secondary address line
PRIM_RANGE String (10) Standardized primary range
SEC_RANGE String (10) Standardized secondary range
PRIM_NAME String (28) Standardized primary name
PREDIR String (2) Abbreviated pre-directional
CITY String (28) Standardized city name
STATE String (2) Standardized USPS® abbreviation for the state
ZIP String (5) Either the standardized five-digit ZIPTM or the ZIPTM found in the input record
ZIPPLUS String (4) ZIP + 4® add-on
PO_BOX_NUM String Post office box number
RR_BOX_NUM String Rural route and box number
RR_NUM String Rural route number
CARRIER_ROUTE String (4) Carrier route number
GEO_MSA String (4) Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) number
GEO_LNG String (11) Longitude (degrees)
GEO_LAT String (10) Latitude (degrees)
GEO_BLK String (7) US Census tract and BNA
DPBC String (2) Numeric two-digit code for delivery point barcode
CHECKDIGIT String (1) Contains the check-digit for 11-digit delivery-point barcode
ADDRESS_TYPE String (1) F = Firm
G = General Delivery
H = Highrise
P = PO Box
R = Rural Route/Highway Contract
S = Street
COUNTY String (25) Full county name
COUNTY_CODE String (3) FIPS county code
COUNTRY String Country. Currently, only the United States (U.S.) is supported
FIPSCODE String (5) Federal code, state and county
ADDRESS_ERROR_STATUS String (30) The error codes generated by Prospect IQ. These are 30 character strings that follow the 2-byte codes:

00 = Address is Default Highrise or Rural Route. This address matched to a default delivery record in a multi-unit building, or a rural/highway contract record with route number in the street name field.
01 = No match in 5-digit ZIP Code; Input ZIP Code was incorrect. Correction applied successfully using city/state information provided.
02 = ZIP Code add-on not found; replaced with correct add-on. Input +4 code was incorrect. Correction applied successfully.
04 = City name corrected. Input city name was incorrect. Correction applied successfully.
05 = PO Box, Rural Route or Highway Contract address standardized. Input address was a box, rural route or highway contract address in a non-standard form (e.g., P.O.Box, or POBOX). Standardization performed successfully.
06 = Street number not precise match in street range; e.g. alphanumeric 10A within numeric range 1-99. Input address contained extra characters in the street number. These characters were retained in the output.
07 = Address non-deliverable; no add-on assigned. Delivery Point Validation (DPV) check failed.
08 = Secondary number is not precise match in secondary range; e.g. alphanumeric 10A within numeric range 1-99. Input address contained extra characters in the secondary number. These characters were retained in the output.
09 = Address is Delivery Point Alternate.
10 = City is part of multiple counties. More than one county name is listed for the address city name. Preferred county name is returned.
11 = No match; failed CASS multi-component rule; number of results is absolute value of return code. Several problems were found in the input address. Unable to match using CASS logic. Number of near matches returned is equal to the absolute value of the return code.
12 = All highrise records returned; first result is the CASS-certified address; Z's follow last result. Multiple records containing secondary ranges (apartment low – high numbers) returned in the results parameter.
13 = Military address.
14 = Street address with appended apartment number. Input address contained secondary information that could not be resolved through the CASS process. Secondary number was retained in the output.
15 = No match; near matches placed in results field; Z's follow last result. Multiple records containing possible match candidates returned in the results parameter. End of results is indicated by a string of ten "Z"s (ZZZZZZZZZZ). This error code always appears with error code "99".
16 = Preferred city name used. Input city name was changed to a preferred city name for this address.
18 = DPV False Positive. DPV process stopped, ZIP+4 Codes will no longer be assigned until DPV has been re-enabled. Each subsequent call will return error code "21".
19 = No match; address found in Early Warning System database.
20 = Street name modified. Input street name was incorrect. Correction applied successfully.
21 = DPV processing already stopped; please contact Experian Data Quality to restart the module. See error code "18".
22 = LACSLink processing already stopped; please contact Experian Data Quality to restart the module. See error code "24".
23 = No match; no correlation between city and unique ZIP Code; 5-digit ZIP Code deleted. Input record contained a unique ZIP Code, input city did not match the ZIP Code. According to CASS rules for handling unique ZIP Code, 5-digit ZIP Code was deleted.
24 = LACSLink False Positive. LACSlink process stopped, ZIP+4 Codes will no longer be assigned until LACSlink has been reenabled. Each subsequent call will return error code "22".
30 = Foreign address.
31 = Geocoder files missing or corrupt.
40 = Multiple matches; incorrect post-directional. Input address contained an incorrect post-directional abbreviation. Unable to correct automatically. Candidate records returned.
41 = Multiple matches; incorrect pre-directional. Input address contained an incorrect pre-directional abbreviation. Unable to correct automatically. Candidate records returned.
42 = Multiple matches; incorrect street suffix. Input address contained an incorrect street suffix. Unable to correct automatically. Candidate records returned.
43 = ZIP Code is PO Box or Rural Route only. ZIP Code contains no street records. Match is made to a PO Box, route or general delivery record.
44 = Apparent extraneous information removed. Some input information was considered unnecessary and was removed.
45 = Street suffix modified. Input address contained an incorrect street suffix. Correction applied successfully.
46 = Street directional modified. Input address contained an incorrect pre- or postdirectional abbreviation. Correction applied successfully.
47 = Address requires apartment/suite number; none input. Missing secondary number.
48 = Multiple matches; would resolve with pre-directional. Input address contained no pre-directional abbreviation. Unable to correct automatically. Candidate records returned.
49 = Multiple matches; would resolve with post-directional. Input address contained no post-directional abbreviation. Unable to correct automatically. Candidate records returned.
50 = Multiple matches; would resolve with street suffix. Input address contained no street suffix. Unable to correct automatically. Candidate records returned.
51 = Address does not require apartment/suite; none input. This address matched to a default delivery record in a multi-unit building, or a rural/highway contract record with route number in the street name field. (See error code "00".) No secondary information was required.
52 = Address does not require apartment/suite; incorrect input. This address matched to a default delivery record in a multi-unit building, or a rural/highway contract record with route number in the street name field. (See error code "00"). Secondary information was provided, but incorrect.
57 = Address not standardized; not enough information provided.
58 = Address not standardized; invalid ZIP Code. Input ZIP Code was incorrect. Unable to standardize address.
59 = Address not standardized; belongs to US territory. Unable to standardize address. State abbreviation indicates that the address belongs to one of the territories.
60 = Expired verification database; DPV/LACSLINK processing disabled. Postal data files expired. Address validation halted. Data expires 105 days after the build date. Build date can be obtained by calling GetBuildDate API function.
61 = House number not on street. Input street number was incorrect.
64-81 = Internal processing error.
ADDRESS_CODE String (2) 1 = Match found; four-digit ZIP add-on assigned.
>1 = Multiple possible results, but no exact match made. Number of results is the value of return code.
<0 = Multiple possible results only when error code contains 11; no exact match made. Number of results is the absolute value of the return code.
-1 = When error code contains 07, delivery point validation failed; five-digit ZIP returned.
-3 = When error code contains 05 - PO Box, Rural Route or Highway contract; street name normalized though no match found.
-99 = No match found, and the original input has been returned.
FIRMLINE String (20); up to 60 allowed Firm name from ZIP+4 directory, if matched; or if not matched, then the Firm data from the input record (if the discrete Firm field was input). Do not use this component if the input is multiline. If you want to extract a discrete firm field from a multiline address block, use DataRight or the TrueName Library
GEOMATCH String (1) Match code, indicating the precision of the latitude and longitude assignment. The lower the number, the more precise the assignment
0 = Matched in address level
1 = 9-digit match in Centroid
4 = 7-digit match in Centroid
5 = 5-digit match in Centroid
7 = No match in Centroid
8 = Not matched in address level
9 = Both options tried, but no match in either
MATCHZIPFIVE String (1) Match ZIP Five Indicator:
T = Last line was matched to a City/ZCF record
F = Last line was not matched to a City/ZCF record
MATCHZIPNINE String (1) Match level indicator:
T = Address line was matched to a ZIP+4 record
F = Address line was not matched to a ZIP+4 record
ZIPTYPE String (1) Type of ZIP Code assigned:
M = Military
U = Unique (specific to a university, large firm, or other institution)
Blank = Ordinary ZIP, or ZIP was not assigned
SUITABLEFORDELIVERY String (1) Suitable for delivery indicator:
T = The address is tagged by the USPS as unsuitable for mail delivery (for example, a cemetery)—exactly the same meaning as error code E600
F = The address either was not matched to a ZIP+4 record, or was matched to a record that indicates the address is suitable for mail delivery
LACSCODE String (1) LACS (Locatable Address Conversion System) indicator:
T = Address needs 9-1-1 conversion (from box to street address) and should be submitted to a LACS vendor
F = Address does not need conversion
Blank = Address was not assigned

Stage 1 responses may vary depending on your configuration.

Note that the response can only contain either the Score_Result or the Phone_Status attribute group. In other words, Score_Result and Score_Desc are mutually exclusive with Phone_Status and Phone_Desc.

Attribute Name Format (max length) Description/Values
NameParser.PREFIX_CD String (1) A code indicating the parsed name prefix (e.g. Mr, Dr, etc.). This field if blank if the name parser did not identify a prefix value within the input record name data.
NameParser.FIRST_NAME String (30) The parsed first name. This field if blank if the name parser did not identify a first name value within the input record name data.
NameParser.MIDDLE_NAME String (20) The parsed middle name(s). This field if blank if the name parser did not identify a middle name value within the input record name data.
NameParser.LAST_NAME String (30) The parsed last name. This field if blank if the name parser did not identify a last name value within the input record name data.
NameParser.SUFFIX_CD String (10) A code indicating the parsed name suffix (e.g., JR, SR, etc.). This field if blank if the name parser did not identify a suffix value within the input record name data.
NameParser.BUSINESS_NAME_IND String (1) A flag indicating if this record was identified as a business record by Experian's name processing. Possible values:
Y = Yes
N = No
NameParser.BUSINESS_NAME String (40) The company name (e.g., "Experian"), as parsed from the input. If this field is blank, then the system did not identify any business names in the input record.
NameParser.BUSINESS_TITLE String (30) The business title (e.g., "CEO"), as parsed from the input. If this field is blank, then the system did not identify any business titles in the input record.
PHONE_NUMBER String (10);up to 2 allowed Phone number from Prospect IQ database. Up to two phone numbers can be supplied.
SCORE_RESULT String (3) Stage 1 score result. Valid values: 100 to 840
SCORE_DESC String (50)
840 - Match to full name and address - Residential phone
830 - Match to full name and address - Business phone
820 - Match to full name and address - Mixed-use phone
850 - Match to header data
780 - Match to surname and address - Residential phone
770 - Match to surname and address - Business phone
760 - Match to surname and address - Mixed-use phone
810 - Match to full name only - Residential phone
800 - Match to full name only - Business phone
790 - Match to full name only - Mixed-use phone
750 - Match to surname only - Residential phone
740 - Match to surname only - Business phone
730 - Match to surname only - Mixed-use phone
630 - Match to address only - Residential phone
620 - Match to address only - Business phone
610 - Match to address only - Mixed-use phone
690 - Match to business name and address - residential phone
680 - Match to business name and address - business phone
670 - Match to business name and address - mixed use phone
650 - Match to business name - residential address
640 - Match to business name - business address
660 - Match to business name - mixed use phone
590 - Probable cellular phone
570 - No match to name or address - Residential phone
560 - No match to name or address - Business phone
550 - No match to name or address - Mixed-use phone
540 - Phone unverifiable - Not in database
530 - Prefix-ZIP mismatch580 - Probable pager
450 - Phone Missing - Search information not received
520 - Invalid area code
510 - Phone is of incorrect length
100 - Matching records exceed maximum defined in profile
101 - Data not available
102 - Test not in profile
103 – Unknown message code
104 - Not able to score due to invalid data
PHONE_STATUS String (4) Phone verification result code. Valid values: E800, E801, E802, E803, E804, E805, E806, E807, E808, E809 and E810.
PHONE_DESC String E800 – Valid ZAE and number supplied matches the one in INSOURCE database
E801 – Valid ZAE and number supplied does not match the one in INSOURCE database
E802 – Invalid area code and number supplied matches the one in INSOURCE database
E803 – Prefix doesn't match area code and number supplied matches the one in INSOURCE database
E804 – Area code doesn't match ZIP code and number supplied matches the one in INSOURCE database
E805 – Invalid area code and number supplied does not match the one in INSOURCE database
E806 – Prefix doesn't match area code and number supplied does not match the one in INSOURCE database
E807 – Area code doesn't match ZIP code and number supplied does not match the one in INSOURCE database
E808 – Invalid telephone format
E809 - Area code and prefix match but does not match zip code and number supplied matches INSOURCE database
E810 - Area code and prefix match but does not match zip code and number supplied does not match INSOURCE database
REVERSE_PHONE_APPEND Group Group of elements returned for the Reverse Phone Append feature.
EXECUTION_STATUS_FLAG String (1) Status code for reverse phone append search:
A - Transaction already has standardized address. No need to perform further RPA process.
B - Phone number is empty.
E - Invalid phone number (not in a 10 digit format).
P - RPA is successful.
N - RPA is unsuccessful.
FIRST_NAME String (15) First name returned for reverse phone append
LAST_NAME String (20) Last name returned for reverse phone append
ADDRESS Group Group of address elements returned for the reverse phone append search
ELSResidentialAddressVerificationResult String (3) Address verification code:
100 - Standardization database has expired. Contact Experian Data Quality.
101 - Unknown
102 - Matching records exceed maximum defined on profile
103 - Data not available
104 - Not able to score due to invalid data
450 - Address ambiguous
460 - Incomplete or blank address
470 - City/State ZIP mismatch
480 - City/State mismatch
490 - Road name – City/ZIP mismatch
500 - House number not found on street
580 - No match to name - Mixed-use address
590 - No match to name - Residential address
650 - Address residential - Name match unavailable
660 - Address unverifiable - Not in the database
670 - Match to business name – mixed use address
680 - Match to business name – business address
690 - Match to business name – residential address
770 - Match to surname - Mixed-use address
780 - Match to surname - Business address
790 - Match to surname - Residential address
830 - Match to full name - Mixed-use address
840 - Match to full name - Business address
850 - Match to full name - Residential address
ELSResidentialAddressHighRisk String (1) Address high risk score:
Y - A high risk business was identified at this address
N - No high risk address information found
U – Unknown
ELSResidentialPhoneVerificationResult String (3) Phone verification code. The values are the same as for SCORE_DESC.
.ELSResidentialPhoneHighRisk String (1) Phone high risk score:
Y - A high risk business was identified for this phone number
N - No high risk phone information found
U – Unknown
ELSResidentialPhoneAppend String (10) Residential phone append
ELSBusinessPhoneAppend String (10) Business phone append

Note that the number of attributes returned may vary depending on your configuration.

Stage 2 contains the following four data match levels:

  1. Person
  2. Household
  3. Geo
  4. No match

If the incoming lead is matched to the Prospect IQ's database, the Person and Household data will be returned to the client.

Otherwise, the Geo data will be returned.

Response examples

  "ELSGenericMessage": {
     "Stage2Data": {
        "Data_Type": "A",
        "Match_Type": "I",
        "Livu": {
           "MOSAIC_TYPE": "A01",
           "LIV_LU_INC_MODEL_V4_2_AMT": "",
           "PROBABLE_HOMEOWNER": 0
        "Zip": {
           "ZIP_AVG_VEHICLES_HH": "00275",
           "ZIPMESSCORE": ""
        "Person": {
           "PERMARITALSTATUS": "1M",
           "PERCOMBINEDAGE": "D",
           "PERGENDER": "F",
           "OCCUPATION_MODEL": "K1"
  "Message": {
     "CATEGORY": "",
     "RESULT_CODE": "S100",
     "VALUE": "",
     "TYPE": "STATUS"
  "InputData": {
     "PREFIX": "",
     "STATE": "VA",
     "ZIP": "12345",
     "FIRST_NAME": "Jane",
     "LAST_NAME": "Doe",
     "SUFFIX": "",
     "MIDDLE_NAME": "",
  "TRANSACTION_ID": 6084629,
  "StandardizedAddress": {
     "STATE": "VA",
     "COUNTY_CODE": "017",
     "ZIP": "12345",
  "Stage1Data": {
     "ELSResidentialAddressHighRisk": "N",
     "SCORE_RESULT": 250,
     "SCORE_DESC": "Phone missing(search information not received)"
  "ELSGenericMessage": {
    "Stage2Data": {
      "BusinessData": {
        "Demographic": {
          "BusinessFacts": {
            "FileEstablishedDate": 19770100,
            "EmployeeSizeIndicator": {"code": " "},
            "BusinessTypeIndicator": {
              "code": "C",
              "content": "Corporation"
            "NonProfitIndicator": {
              "code": "P",
              "content": "Profit"
            "YearsInBusiness": "0000",
            "PublicIndicator": {"code": " "},
            "SalesRevenue": "000000000000",
            "EmployeeSize": "000000000",
            "SalesIndicator": {"code": " "},
            "YearsInBusinessIndicator": {
              "code": "A",
              "content": "Under 1 Year"
          "SICCodes": [
              "SIC": {
                "code": 8111,
                "content": "LEGAL SERVICES"
              "SIC": {
                "code": 7323,
                "content": "CREDIT REPORTING SERVICES"
              "SIC": {
                "code": 8742,
                "content": "MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES"
          "NAICSCodes": [
              "NAICS": {
                "code": 541110,
                "content": "Offices of Lawyers"
              "NAICS": {
                "code": 561450,
                "content": "Credit Bureaus"
              "NAICS": {
                "code": 541613,
                "content": "Marketing Consulting Services"
        "CorporateLinkageSummary": {
          "CorporateLinkage": [
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "NEWENHAM HOUSE NORTHERN CROSS MALAHIDE ROAD",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": "000028714",
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 1,
                "content": "Ultimate Parent"
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "DUBLIN",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "IRL",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN PLC"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "475 ANTON BLVD",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 930041814,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 2,
                "content": "Parent/Headquarters"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "CA",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "COSTA MESA",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN HOLDINGS INC"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "5 SAND CREEK RD",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 721572947,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 3,
                "content": "Subsidiary"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "NY",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "ALBANY",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN DIRECT TECH"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "5 SYLVAN WAY STE 3",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 700175780,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "NJ",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "PARSIPPANY",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "100 GRANDVIEW RD STE 403",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 704671058,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "MA",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "BRAINTREE",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "155 SEWARD RD",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 704671061,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "VT",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "RUTLAND",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "175 HIGH ST",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 704671068,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "NJ",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "METUCHEN",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "1200 HARBOR BLVD FL 10",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 711731201,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "NJ",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "WEEHAWKEN",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "10 MOTT AVE",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 712270503,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "CT",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "NORWALK",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "900 17TH ST NW STE 1050",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 715662401,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "DC",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "WASHINGTON",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "121 CONTINENTAL DR STE 110",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 716204378,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "DE",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "NEWARK",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "6570 PRESTWICK DR",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 716804225,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "MD",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "HIGHLAND",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
              "LinkageCompanyAddress": "5909 PEACHTREE DUNWOODY RD STE 1100",
              "LinkageRecordBIN": 725641278,
              "LinkageRecordType": {
                "code": 4,
                "content": "Branch"
              "LinkageCompanyState": "GA",
              "LinkageCompanyCity": "ATLANTA",
              "LinkageCountryCode": "USA",
              "LinkageCompanyName": "EXPERIAN"
        "Summary": {
          "Zip": 92626,
          "StreetAddress": "475 ANTON BLVD",
          "BusinessName": "EXPERIAN",
          "State": "CA",
          "WebsiteURL": "",
          "DoingBusinessAs": [
            {"DBAName": "EXPERIAN DATA"},
            {"DBAName": "EXPERIAN DATA CORP"},
          "PhoneNumber": "714-830-7000",
          "City": "COSTA MESA",
          "ZipExtension": 7037,
          "ExperianBIN": 796744203
        "IntelliScoreSummary": {
          "IntelliScore": [
              "ScoreInfo": {"Score": "0000002300"},
              "Action": "MEDIUM RISK",
              "PercentileRanking": "022",
              "ModelInformation": {
                "ModelCode": "000223",
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