Ways to integrate

The API is designed to validate one phone number at a time. If you enter multiple phone numbers when you submit a request, only the last number in the list will be validated, provided the data format is application/json.

There are a couple ways to integrate this API, here are a few to get you started:

To view the API's Swagger specification in JSON format, go to /identity-append/reverse-phone-append/api-reference/api-specification/ and click the View specification link in the related resources section to the right of the page.

Use Swagger Codegen to quickly generate client integration code in the language you are using, such as C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python or Ruby.

ada eiffel java qt5cpp tizen
akka-scala elixir javascript r typescript-angular
android elm javascript-closure-angular ruby typescript-angularjs
apex erlang-client jaxrs-cxf-client rust typescript-aurelia
bash flash jmeter scala typescript-fetch
clojure go kotlin scalaz typescript-jquery
cpprest groovy lua swagger typescript-node
csharp haskell-http-client objc swagger-yami
csharp-dotnet2 html perl swift
cwiki html2 php swift3
dart powershell swift4
dynamic-html python

Swagger Codegen is available to download on GitHub, along with a README.

The tool is also available as a web-based version.

As an alternative to Codegen, you can use the Swagger Editor to generate client integration code: upload the Swagger specification and select your programming language of choice from the Generate Client dropdown.

The online JavaScript compressor will definitely help you optimize your scripts for faster page loading.

You can quickly test out the requests and responses and see how the API behaves with our pre-configured Postman collections. Simply import the relevant collections, add your token as a variable and start making requests with your desired parameters.

Get Postman collections

If you've purchased Professional Services support along with your license, contact us for assistance. Our consultants can talk you through best-practice for making calls, understand results and pseudocode for integration.

Reverse Phone Append

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