Mapping allows you to map a collection of data values returned by the Experian Address Validation API (and additional Enrichment API if configured) to a collection of Microsoft Dynamics entity fields.
An address mapping is always associated with a single entity and must be named. An entity may have as many address mappings configured as there are addresses held by the entity.
The solution comes pre-configured with two simple address mappings (named Address1 and Address2) for the address1_* and address2_* fields of the 4 standard entities:
These pre-configured mappings may be used out-of-the-box to perform simple address searches on the standard entities, but can be modified to suit your needs. You can also create new address mappings for any Microsoft Dynamics entity.
Changing the default mapping names?
If you rename the default mappings Address1 or Address2 or create new ones with different names you must be sure to update the Mapping name within the related address field's properties as described on the form configuration page.
First select an existing mapping or add a new one:
Go to the Experian Data Validation Configuration Power App.
Select the Map fields page from the left menu.
From the entities list on the left select the entity for which you want to configure an address mapping.
Either select an existing mapping from the list in the MAPPINGS column or click + Add in the top menu to create a new mapping.
If adding a new mapping, select the Entity name, provide a Mapping name and then click Add.
The properties from our APIs are split across two tabs:
Standard address fields - the 7 standard address fields plus optional validation message and timestamp fields
Address data fields - the additional address data fields grouped into Components, Metadata and Enrichment, which will only appear if enabled on the Additional data page
The process for mapping the fields is identical for both tabs:
Under each API property is a combo box that contains the fields of the associated entity. Click on each combo box and select the field that you want populated with that API value. The list is separated into three types for convenience, depending on the data type of the field:
Text - the text value returned by the API is stored in the field.
Choice - the item selected for the choice field will be the one where the text of the choice item matches the text returned by the API using a case insensitive match. (Choice refers to Option Set in the Classic version)
Lookup - the lookup record selected for the field will be the one where the text of the primary name column of the Lookup entity matches the text returned by the API using a case insensitive match.
Optionally, if you want to save the validation message and timestamp, select the fields created previously from the combo boxes for the Address validation message and Address validation timestamp API properties. See Validation tracking fields if you have not yet created these special fields.
For any standard or additional address data fields that you want to ignore, choose the value Not mapped from the combo box.
Choice and Lookup fields
If you map to a Choice or Lookup field without additional configuration, an empty value will be saved to the mapped field if a match is not found amongst the Choice or Lookup values.
Example address mapping
An example of the mapping from standard address properties to entity fields would be:
Standard address property
Entity field
Address line1
Address line2
Address line3
Address locality
Address province
Address postal code
Address country
Testing an address mapping
Make sure all the fields that were mapped have been added to the form for the relevant entity.
View a record for the entity you want to test and try to validate an address using an EDQ component.
If the validation is successful, check that the mapped fields are populated with the data you were expecting.
Mapped field must be present on the form
If a mapped field is not present on the form when the page loads an error will be displayed in the browser console to help you diagnose and fix the issue, for example: