Market research participation policy

View all our T&Cs and policies.

Effective date: May 2024
Last updated: May 2024

Additional information on how we use your data for marketing research purposes

This notice gives you additional information on how we use your personal data for market research. You can also read our UK & I privacy policy.

By submitting your consent, you confirm you are comfortable with the information given below and want to join the research panel and take part in research.

Experian Limited is the controller of your personal data. Experian uses a 3rd party system called Great Question to facilitate collecting this information. They do not access any data other than when dealing with Experian support requests.

What information do we collect and process?

  • Sign up information: if you wish you take part in a research activity, you’ll be taken to the Great Question portal, and asked to fill out a sign up form. We record your contact details and a few information points in relation to the company you work for and your role there.
  • Market research responses: when you take part in a research exercise, we’ll capture how you respond to our questions and exercises. We may capture your views via surveys, video, card sort exercises and other similar mechanisms.

You will be informed that we will be capturing this data before we do so and you will always have the option to not participate. Some research exercises may be in person (online, e.g. Zoom) and videoed, with audio.

How long will the information be kept for?

Your sign up information will be held until you decide you no longer wish to be on our panel. If you opt out, your details will be retained for suppression purposes, i.e. to act as an exclusion list from future activity.

We will also periodically ask you to reconfirm you are still happy to remain on the panel. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll remove you from the panel.

For any data captured as part of any market research, it will be deleted after 2 years. If you withdraw consent during participation in a marketing research activity, we will delete all personal data captured during that particular activity.

Who do we share your data with?

The information we collect will be shared with people within Experian involved in the area of research.

The information (including recordings) will never be made public or shared with anyone outside of Experian, other than 3rd party development partners who support us in our product development. The information would never be seen by other clients.

Understanding your rights

You have the right to change your mind about what we do with your information, or to withdraw from the research entirely at any point and for any reason. If you wish to withdraw or make amendments to your preferences, please email our Compliance team. We will send you a short form to capture the changes you wish to make.


We will keep your information private and we ask you do the same. You will be privy to confidential information and we ask you do not share this outside of your organisation.

Data Quality user documentation | Market research participation policy

Market research participation policy

View all our T&Cs and policies.

Effective date: May 2024
Last updated: May 2024

Additional information on how we use your data for marketing research purposes

This notice gives you additional information on how we use your personal data for market research. You can also read our UK & I privacy policy.

By submitting your consent, you confirm you are comfortable with the information given below and want to join the research panel and take part in research.

Experian Limited is the controller of your personal data. Experian uses a 3rd party system called Great Question to facilitate collecting this information. They do not access any data other than when dealing with Experian support requests.

What information do we collect and process?

  • Sign up information: if you wish you take part in a research activity, you’ll be taken to the Great Question portal, and asked to fill out a sign up form. We record your contact details and a few information points in relation to the company you work for and your role there.
  • Market research responses: when you take part in a research exercise, we’ll capture how you respond to our questions and exercises. We may capture your views via surveys, video, card sort exercises and other similar mechanisms.

You will be informed that we will be capturing this data before we do so and you will always have the option to not participate. Some research exercises may be in person (online, e.g. Zoom) and videoed, with audio.

How long will the information be kept for?

Your sign up information will be held until you decide you no longer wish to be on our panel. If you opt out, your details will be retained for suppression purposes, i.e. to act as an exclusion list from future activity.

We will also periodically ask you to reconfirm you are still happy to remain on the panel. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll remove you from the panel.

For any data captured as part of any market research, it will be deleted after 2 years. If you withdraw consent during participation in a marketing research activity, we will delete all personal data captured during that particular activity.

Who do we share your data with?

The information we collect will be shared with people within Experian involved in the area of research.

The information (including recordings) will never be made public or shared with anyone outside of Experian, other than 3rd party development partners who support us in our product development. The information would never be seen by other clients.

Understanding your rights

You have the right to change your mind about what we do with your information, or to withdraw from the research entirely at any point and for any reason. If you wish to withdraw or make amendments to your preferences, please email our Compliance team. We will send you a short form to capture the changes you wish to make.


We will keep your information private and we ask you do the same. You will be privy to confidential information and we ask you do not share this outside of your organisation.