
To get up and running with the Electronic Updates Windows client, follow these high-level steps, or see the step-by-step sections further down:

  1. Run the installer, entering the token when prompted.
  2. Electronic Updates will automatically start polling and downloading your data.
  3. The configuration is done for you during the installation, but if you need to change any settings, you can do so from the Configuration Editor.

Electronic Updates requires the following:

Operating system Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows 10
Software .NET Framework 4.6
Memory 512MB
Internet connection To download data updates, the machine running Electronic Updates requires:
  • Access to the internet through an always-on connection.
  • The ability to make an HTTPS (secure web) connection.
Disk space Minimal disk space is required for the Electronic Updates program files. The disk space required for the data files will vary according to the datasets you are downloading. The Data Guide for each dataset provides details of the disk space required. To obtain a copy of a Data Guide, contact your local technical support. You will need space for at least two copies of each dataset. See Downloaded Data in the Configuration Editor help for more information about deleting unused and expired data.

We recommend that you install your Experian applications before installing the Electronic Updates Windows client. This is because if you add other Experian applications afterwards, you must update Electronic Updates to handle the applications' data updates. If this sitatuon does occur however, you can do this update in the Configuration Editor.

If you're using additional datasets, such as United Kingdom With Names, you'll have to configure data mappings in your V6 Experian applications before you can use the additional datasets downloaded by Electronic Updates. You may prefer to install data manually to set up the default data mappings before configuring the Electronic Updates Windows client. For more information about additional datasets and data mappings, see your product documentation.

Electronic Updates accounts are available for all Experian clients who are licensed for use of a particular dataset. To obtain an account for electronic updates, contact your local technical support team. Once the account is set up, you will receive an email with the login details (username and password).

Along with the login details, the order confirmation email will contain a link to the Self Service Portal.

Once logged in, the latest software installer and your customer token can be found under the Address data tab.

  • To find your token: Address data > Enable automatic updates > your token will be immediately visible in the Tokens tab.
  • To download the client: Address data > Enable automatic updates > Windows application tab > download the appropriate version of the client (64-bit or 32-bit).

Once the download has finished, you can run the installer. Note that the installer must have Administrator Rights to install downloads on the machine.

  1. Click Next on the Welcome screen:
  2. After reading the End-User License Agreement, select 'I accept the terms of the license agreement' and click Next:
  3. Enter your token and click Next:
  4. Select the folder where you would like 'Electronic Updates' installed into and click Next:
  5. Select the folder where you would like 'Electronic Updates' to store items into, and click Next:
  6. Select whether you would like a desktop shortcut created, and if you would to enable 'Electronic Updates' to be automatically updated and click Next:
  7. Select whether or not you would like to confidentially supply Experian with some basic operating system information, then click Next:
  8. Click Install to begin installation.
  9. Click Finish and Electronic Updates will automatically load.

A default configuration is done for you during the installation, where the most common configuration settings are already set up. If you wish to change these, follow the instructions below.

The Electronic Updates software consists of two interfaces, the Configuration Editor and the Status application.

The Configuration Editor is used to set up your installation's configuration settings, whilst the Status application is used to track any new datasets that are available to download and how your download is progressing.

Open the Configuration Editor

To open the Configuration Editor, navigate to the Experian Electronic Update' folder in the Windows Start Menu and select the Configuration Editor program. The following screen shows:

Set up download connections

Navigate to Download Connections > Download Source, or click the Next button on the bottom right of the Welcome screen:

  1. Select the Enable Internet Download Connection checkbox.
  2. Enter your Electronic Updates token into the Experian Electronic Updates Token section.
  3. Enter proxy details if a proxy is required to connect to the Internet. Note that Experian cannot provide your proxy details to you; refer to your System Administrator for more information.
  4. Click the Test Connection button to test your connection. Note that the Test Connection button will not work unless your token details have been entered. If you are not able to successfully complete this check, contact your local technical support team.
  5. Click Next.

Configure data download and installation

  1. Set Download mode to All available data (Recommended).
  2. Set Data directory to the location where you wish to store your dataset files.
  3. Select the Download locally first checkbox.
  4. Click Next.

Select data applications to update

  1. Click the Scan Local Apps button to automatically select all installed Experian applications to update these with the latest datasets.
  2. Click Add New Entry if you wish to add Experian applications to update manually.
  3. Click each application to select it:
    1. Set Product configuration file type to Auto (recommended).
    2. Set Install mode to either Full Install (to download the latest datasets and update the application with these datasets) or Download only (to only download the dataset files).
    3. Click Next.

Configure Email Notification

  1. Select the Enable email notifications? checkbox if you wish to receive email updates when new datasets are available.
  2. Fill in the SMTP Server address and email address that you want mail to be sent to/from. Note that Experian cannot provide your SMTP settings to you; refer to your System Administrator for more information.
  3. Click Send Test Email. Please note that the Send Test Email button will not work unless all details have been entered. If you require further information, please select the Help button at the top right of the window.

One common issue that users encounter is not starting the Electronic Updates service. If the service is stopped, then the automatic dataset updating aspect of Electronic Updates is effectively not running. The service needs to always be on/have started to continually check for newly available datasets in the background every three hours.

If an administrator account is required to allow internet connectivity:

  1. Select the Edit Service checkbox.
  2. Select the The specified account option, and enter the administrator account credentials.
  3. Click the Apply button to apply these settings.
  4. Click the Start button to start the service.
  5. Click Next.

Rather than opening the Configuration Editor and going to Advanced > Windows Service to check if the service is running, a more robust method of achieving this would be to open the Services program services.msc from your computer and ensure that the Electronic Updates service 'Experian Electronic Updates' is set to Automatic or Automatic (Delayed Start).