From Electronic Updates 2.2 onwards it's been possible to update from a previous version of the Windows client without losing the configuration of the earlier version. The Windows client won't automatically update the client even if you've selected the option to do so in the Configuration Editor.

To upgrade your client to the latest version, download and run the installer. If an earlier version of the client is detected, you can step through the installer to upgrade to the latest version. Once upgraded, the previous version of the client will no longer be available.

If you require a fresh install, remove the old version of the Electronic Updates client before beginning the installation process.

Electronic Updates accounts are available for all Experian clients who are licensed for use of a particular dataset. To obtain an account for electronic updates, contact your local technical support team. Once the account is set up, you will receive an email with the login details (username and password).

Along with the login details, the order confirmation email will contain a link to the Self Service Portal.

Once logged in, the latest software installer and your customer token can be found under the Address data tab.

  • To find your token: Address data > Enable automatic updates > your token will be immediately visible in the Tokens tab.
  • To download the client: Address data > Enable automatic updates > Windows application tab > download the appropriate version of the client (64-bit or 32-bit).

Before you proceed to upgrade your Experian Electronic Updates client, it is recommended that you create a backup of your current Electronic Updates configuration.

  1. Navigate to the current Electronic Updates install directory. This can vary between users, but is most commonly found in C:\Program Files\Qas\Electronic Updates or C:\Program Files\Experian\Electronic Updates.
  2. In the directory, locate a file called "ElectronicUpdates.exe.config". Copy and paste the file to a directory outside this folder (for example, Desktop or Documents folder) and make a note of the location.
  3. Once a copy exists outside the install directory, you are ok to proceed with the upgrade.
  1. Click Next on the Welcome screen:
  2. After reading the End-User License Agreement, select 'I accept the terms of the license agreement' and click Next:
  3. Enter your Customer Token and click Next:
  4. Select whether or not you would like to confidentially supply Experian with some basic operating system information, then click Next:
  5. Confirm that you have backed up your configuration (optional) then click Next:
  6. Click Install to commence installation process.
  7. Click Finish to complete installation and exit installer:

Rather than opening the Configuration Editor and going to Advanced > Windows Service to check if the service is running, a more robust method of achieving this would be to open the Services program services.msc from your computer and ensure that the Electronic Updates service 'Experian Electronic Updates' is set to Automatic or Automatic (Delayed Start).