Navigate to the Layout management dashboard to see the available custom layouts listed in a table, with fields Layout name, Country ISO, Status, and Action.
For more detail on accessing Layout management capabilities in the Self Service Portal, refer to the introduction to this guide.
Click the View Logs button.
Search for changes made to a layout using one or more of the following conditions:
Enter the layout name in the "Search Layout" field.
Enter the email address in the "User Email" field.
Select an action from the "Action" dropdown list.
Specify a start date and end date in the "Date From" and "Date To" fields.
Click the Search button to begin, or Reset to clear all fields and start over.
The changes made to custom layouts will be displayed in a table with the following columns:
User Email.
Action Timestamp (UTC).
Layout Name.
The "Action Timestamp (UTC)" column can be sorted by clicking the icon to the left. The default sorting order is descending.