1. Login to the Self Service Portal.
  2. Navigate to the Layout management dashboard to see the available custom layouts listed in a table, with fields Layout name, Country ISO, Status, and Action.
    • For more detail on accessing Layout management capabilities in the Self Service Portal, refer to the introduction to this guide.
    • Click the View Logs button.
  3. Search for changes made to a layout using one or more of the following conditions:
    • Enter the layout name in the "Search Layout" field.
    • Enter the email address in the "User Email" field.
    • Select an action from the "Action" dropdown list.
    • Specify a start date and end date in the "Date From" and "Date To" fields.
      • Click the Search button to begin, or Reset to clear all fields and start over.
  4. The changes made to custom layouts will be displayed in a table with the following columns:
    • User Email.
    • Action.
    • Action Timestamp (UTC).
    • Layout Name.

The "Action Timestamp (UTC)" column can be sorted by clicking the icon to the left. The default sorting order is descending.