End of Service Life policy

View all our T&Cs and policies.

Effective date: July 2018
Last updated: July 2018


This End of Service Life Policy (this “Policy”) should be read in conjunction with the relevant Experian Standard Terms and Conditions entered into between Experian and your organisation. The purpose of this Policy is to describe the length of time you can expect Experian to provide Technical Support and Data Set Updates for Licensed/Experian Materials after they are no longer available for purchase.

Explanation of terms

Any capitalised terms in this Policy are to be interpreted as defined in the applicable Experian Standard Terms and Conditions, save where to the contrary below:

Term Description
Defect A fault with the Licensed/Experian Materials as reasonably determined by Experian.
End Of Service Life The point at which Experian cease to provide Technical Support and Data Ser Updates for the Licensed/Experian Materials.
Last Ship Date The point at which Experian ceases to physically or electronically ship the specific version of the Licensed/Experian Materials.
Policy The End Of Service Life Policy, this document.
Technical Support The support Experian offer in relation to the Licensed/Experian Materials as detailed in the Worldwide Support Policy or UK&I Support Policy.
The Experian Standard Terms and Conditions The applicable, standard terms and conditions agreed at the point of sales of the Licensed/Experian Materials.

End Of Service Life


Experian will provide Technical Support and Data Set Updates for the Licensed Materials for a period of three years after the Last Ship Date. After which the Licensed/Experian Materials will have reached End Of Service Life. Experian reserves the right to shorten this period with the provision of 12 months notice. This Policy does not apply to all Experian Licensed/Experian Materials. Licensed/Experian Materials that apply are listed on a dedicated webpage.

Full Technical Support

For three years following the Last Ship Date, Experian will provide Technical Support and Dataset Updates for the Licensed/Experian Materials. Experian will accept Defect submissions in line with the applicable Worldwide/EDQ UK&I Support Policy and will endeavour to resolve major and critical Defects as described in section 3.2. This may involve the provision of New Releases, where appropriate.

Defect categorisation

On confirming a Defect submission, Experian applies the following categorisation:

Term Description
Critical A Defect with the Licensed/Experian Materials that materially prevents you from using the Licensed/Experian Materials in accordance with the Documentation.
Major A Defect with the Licensed/Experian Materials that materially prevents you from using the Licensed/Experian Materials in accordance with the Documentation, but is intermittent or has an available work-around deemed reasonable by Experian.
Minor A Defect with the Licensed/Experian Materials that does not materially prevent you from using the Licensed/Experian Materials in accordance with the Documentation

Availability of Technical Support

Service hours

Technical Support for Experian Materials, via email and telephone, is provided during business hours of the Support Location.

After Last Ship Date

If the next Renewal Date falls beyond the End Of Service Life date, then Experian will agree terms and a schedule with you to provide a New Version of the Licensed/Experian Materials.